
if you have it, you tend to take it for granted.
If you don't, its what you long for. So...why wait another minute? Lets get our heads on straight and start living a healthier life.
Whether you need to change your eating habits,or stop smoking, or get moving. Lets start right this very minute!

I know this is easier said than done.. and if you've been surfing my web pages you know that I struggle with my weight.
It's not healthy to carry excess "baggage". It is hard on your heart, lungs, and skeletal system. But...It's SO hard to lose it!
That is why we need to support each other in this effort. If you live with someone who has a weight problem don't nag, don't sabotage, and DO tell them you love them.

Health, the freedom from disease.
The body at optimal weight, and strength, and stamina.
Something worth striving for.
Not so that you will be beautiful, or handsome. But, for yourself. For your own well being.
So you can be around to see your children grow up, to be able to be a good example for them, to teach them the legacy of healthy living.

Wow.. sounds noble doesn't it?

Well, it is...and you deserve it!
And so do I!
Now...get up. Get moving!!
Even if it's only to walk around the block for the first time... or just get up and dance to some peppy music or better yet... get out an exercise tape and do as much as you can, just take it easy the first time or two. And always check with your doctor before starting any rigorous exercise program. Walking is a great exercise, most everyone can do it..and it's FREE!!
Remember to drink your WATER!!!!!

And Good luck!

Here are a few links to inspire you!!
Thrive online

The midi is "IF" by Bread